【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!『友情提示 :样板间采取预约制,欢迎提前来电预约参观』位于上海浦东新区航头板块,航鹤路与航园路交叉口往南约270m处,展示区景观占地面积2500㎡,花境面积305㎡。在这样一个大环境中,如何定义展示区及样板房区域的花园景观,使其既能体现上海的地域特色,又能与“花园派生活美学”的艺术氛围相得益彰,是景观及花境设计重点思考的问题。【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!最终,景观设计围绕“仪式”、“艺术”、“商务”、“休闲”、“日常”五个关键词展开场景设计,运用大面积花境手法诠释花园派生活美学理念【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!,重新定义当下人们对生活美学的方式与态度,以现代设计赋予都市生活无限魅力。01琼林艺展展示区门廊建筑横向延展,以简洁的线条、大面的玻璃幕墙、恰到好处的细节装饰,凸显临街展示面的整体品质、仪式感和归属感。水幕墙与巨幅“花艺橱窗”进行串联,透过街道的车水马龙,隐约可见一片静谧花海绿洲【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!,让人充满对艺术和浪漫生活的向往。主入口门廊两侧的花境以干净利落的大块面、简约的色彩和层次为主,构建低调内敛的迎宾仪式区。穿过门廊大厅,自然森系花园卷轴循序将人们【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!带入自然和艺术的世界里。02光合森林沿着踏步拾级而上,由入口向内望去,犹如窥见了梦中花园,【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!半隐半透间瞥见一抹流光溢彩,带领人们进入一方静谧时空。一个充满浪漫主义艺术气息的人居场所通长的归家走廊隔绝了市外喧嚣,晶莹的水幕奏响了归家乐章。【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!水面回清,将自然光色引入生活,启幕一场都会繁华之中的花园氧心之旅。逐光而入,巨幅花境自然卷轴铺展开来,置身其中,可与艺术、自然开启对话,唤醒生活之上那些如梦似幻的美好记忆。在功能与舒适间寻求美学生活平衡点在前场花境设计上,我们致力于打造长效、易于管养的花园。由于前场花境面积较大且比较集中,花境设计上采用了类自然花甸的手法。考虑长效稳定性,花境选材以多年生宿根花卉为主,点缀个别品种的一二年生植物。【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!色彩搭配上整体以蓝、紫色为主调,点缀明黄、粉色、白色,增加春日活泼气息,营造浪漫的艺术氛围。在搭建花境结构的第一步,前后场采用相同的手法——以大小不一的矩形瓜子黄杨色块,搭配骨架球类常绿灌木植物(龟甲冬青球、亮晶女贞球【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!、海桐球等),形成稳定的花境骨架。并点缀中华木绣球、蓝剑柏、结香、金叶接骨木等色叶或开花灌木,增加立面起伏和色彩的丰富度。在花境高层骨架材料的层次上,我们注重各各季节色彩分布,选用春季的大花飞燕草、澳洲米花、西伯利亚鸢尾【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!…夏季的火炬花、千叶蓍、柳叶马鞭草、墨西哥鼠尾草、火星花……夏秋季的大麻叶泽兰、翠芦莉、细叶芒、天蓝鼠尾草等,保证三季高层花境主色调的效果呈现。花境中层加入花叶玉蝉花、蛇鞭菊、白子莲、大花葱、千鸟花等线性材料、半透明材料;在前景填充材料的选择上【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!,以色彩和质感为主,选择了多年生林荫鼠尾草、藿香蓟、细叶美女樱、果汁阳台等,结合丰富的观叶品种,打造三季不同色彩质感的花境。售楼处大厅以全镜面玻璃幕墙打造,透过幕墙,空间边界得以消弭,自然与室内恍若一体。蓝紫、纯白、明黄【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!在沉稳与活泼之间自由跳动,光影闪烁,魅力浮动。画面的灵动感油然而生,移步于此,犹如褪尽繁华归本真,进入只属于你的一方天地。林水相映成趣,装置与花境相互渗透,【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!自然光色与生活美学链接,勾勒出艺术与心境重省的花园空间。03暮光茶歇生活近处的花园——推窗见景,开门见花,此心“安”处是吾家【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!后场区域售楼处与样板房相距不过6m,花境区域为长度约35米,宽度在1.5-3米的不规则形状,多沿墙垣、路缘种植。【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!通过小空间的动线转折与景观视线的精密组织,花境四季变幻,营造一场生活里的花房仙境,带来一种“更柔软、更自然、更精致、更神秘”的景观体验。穿过售楼处,随着“色彩与花香”的指引,在后场花园行走,与前场的艺术互动氛围截然不同。后场花境选材延续整体策略,【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!以多年生宿根花卉为主,更加突出色彩热烈、花香浓郁的特点。漫步花境之中,花香四溢、色彩缤纷,感受大自然赠予的写意,心境也随之变得悠远舒畅。人对亲近自然有着近乎本能的渴望,茶余饭后与家人一同漫步在花园仙境,视觉、听觉、嗅觉、触觉就会被景色充分调动起来【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!,褪去一身疲惫,在大自然中呼吸回归心灵的美好。材料选择(部分)Material selection(a part)施工花絮Construction highlights【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!结语Conclusion花枝轻舞,曼妙多姿。每一个转角都是艺术与浪漫的邂逅,水舞画影,镜中装载四时花木,树形如画,草木皆花,【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!一木一花皆是对美好生活的向往。,时长00:26设计寄语Design message 锦绣澜湾由陆家嘴集团开发,以“花园派生活美【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!学”为主旨,营造一个充满浪漫主义艺术气息的人居场所。本花境作品从项目整体景观概念方案阶段介入,达成景观方案的“花园派生活美学”的概念。本案前场结合雕塑、花境,整体在植物观赏价值上升华为装置艺术;后场品种丰富,手法更偏新自然、休闲气息浓厚。前后场主题上区分鲜明,柔软的花境材料与稳定硬挺的绿篱块、球灌木产生质感的碰撞。微风中,花草轻舞飞扬【 Pudong Lujiazui Beautiful LAN Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Phenomenon works! "Friendly reminder: The model room takes an appointment system, welcome to call in advance to make an appointment to visit" is located in Shanghai Pudong New Area Hangtou plate, Hanghe Road and Hangyuan Road intersection about 270m south, display area landscape covers an area of 2500 square meters, flower border area of 305 square meters. In such a big environment, how to define the garden landscape of the exhibition area and the model house area, so that it can not only reflect the regional characteristics of Shanghai, but also complement the artistic atmosphere of "garden life aesthetics", is the focus of landscape and flower landscape design. 【 Pudong Lujiazui Beautiful LAN Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Phenomenon works!Finally, landscape design around the "ceremony", "art", "business", "leisure", "daily" five key words to develop the scene design, the use of large area of flower border approach to interpret the garden style aesthetic concept of life [Pudong Lujiazui Beautiful LAN Bay] official sales office tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! It redefines the way and attitude of people towards the aesthetics of life at present, and entrusts urban life with infinite charm through modern design.01 Qionglin Art ExhibitionThe exhibition porch building extends laterally, with simple lines, large glass curtain walls, and just right details to highlight the overall quality of the street display, a sense of ceremony and a sense of belonging. Water curtain wall and a large "flower window" in series, through the street traffic, faintly visible a quiet sea of flowers oasis [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiu LAN Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! It is full of longing for art and romantic life.The flower border on both sides of the main entrance porch is dominated by clean large surfaces, simple colors and layers, creating a low-key and restrained welcoming ceremony area. Through the porch hall, the natural forest garden scroll will step by step people [Pudong Lujiazui Beautiful LAN Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) surprise phenomenon works! Into the world of nature and art.02 Photosynthetic ForestAlong the steps up the stairs, from the entrance to look inside, like a glimpse of the dream garden, [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiu LAN Bay] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Half hidden and half transparent between glimpses of a touch of streamlight overflowing, leading people into a quiet time and space.A living place full of romantic artThe long corridor of home isolated the hustle and bustle outside the city, and the crystal water curtain played the home movement. 【 Pudong Lujiazui Beautiful LAN Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Phenomenon works! The water surface is clear, the natural light color is introduced into life, and the curtain is set on a tour of the garden oxygen heart in the bustling city. Entering by light, a huge scroll of nature in the flower landscape is spread out. In it, you can open a dialogue with art and nature and wake up those wonderful memories like dreams in life.Seek an aesthetic life balance between function and comfortIn front garden design, we are committed to creating long-lasting, easy to manage gardens. Due to the large and concentrated area of the front flower border, the method of similar natural flower survey was adopted in the design of the flower border. Considering long-term stability, the selection of flowers is mainly perennial perennial flowers, interspersed with individual species of biennial plants. 【 Pudong Lujiazui Beautiful LAN Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Phenomenon works! The overall color collocation is mainly blue and purple, dotted with bright yellow, pink and white, which increases the lively atmosphere of spring and creates a romantic artistic atmosphere.In the first step of building the flower border structure, the same technique is used in the front and back fields - rectangular melon seed boxwood color blocks of different sizes, with the skeleton ball evergreen shrubs and plants (turtle shell and ilex ball, Sparkleset ball [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiang LAN Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline). Sea tong ball, etc.) to form a stable flower border skeleton. And embellished with Chinese wood hydrangea, blue cypress, Yuxiang, golden elderberry and other color leaves or flowering shrubs, increase the elevation undulation and color richness.In the level of high-rise skeleton materials, we pay attention to the color distribution of each season, the selection of spring larkspur, Australian rice flowers, Siberian iris [Pudong Lujiazui Brocade LAN Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! ... Summer torch flower, yarrow, willow verbena, Mexican sage, Mars flower... In summer and autumn, the hemp leaf Zeeland, Tricolor, fine leaf awns, sky blue sage, etc., ensure the effect of the main color of the high-rise flower border in three seasons.In the middle of the flower border, linear materials and translucent materials such as jade cicada flower, snake flagellaria, white lotus, big flower onion and thousand bird flower are added. In the selection of foreground filling materials [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiulan Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) surprise phenomenon works! Focusing on color and texture, we chose perennial shade sage, patchouli thistle, fine leaf cherry, fruit juice balcony, etc., combined with rich leaf varieties, to create a flower border with different colors and textures in three seasons.The sales hall is built with an all-mirror glass curtain wall, through which the boundaries of the space can be eliminated, and the nature and interior seem to be one. Blue purple, pure white, bright yellow [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiulan Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Phenomenon works! Dance freely between calm and lively, light and shadow flicker, charm floating. The spirit of the picture arises spontaneously, moving here, as if the bustling fades to the true, into the world that only belongs to you.The forest and the water are each other, the installation and the flower border penetrate each other, [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiang LAN Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! Natural light color and life aesthetics link, outline the art and mood of the garden space.03 Twilight tea breakLife near the garden - push the window to see the scene, open the door to see flowers, this heart "safety" is my home [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiu LAN Bay] official sales office telephone: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works!The distance between the sales office and the model house is only 6m, and the flower border area is an irregular shape with a length of about 35 meters and a width of 1.5-3 meters, mostly planted along the wall and curb. 【 Pudong Lujiazui Beautiful LAN Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Phenomenon works! Through the turning of the moving line of the small space and the precise organization of the landscape line of sight, the flower landscape changes in the four seasons, creating a fairyland of the garden house in life, bringing a "softer, more natural, more exquisite and more mysterious" landscape experience.Through the sales office, with the guidance of "color and flowers", walk in the back garden, which is completely different from the artistic interactive atmosphere in the front. Back field flower border selection to continue the overall strategy, 【 Pudong Lujiazui Brocade LAN Bay 】 Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Mainly perennial perennial flowers, more prominent color, floral features. Walking in the flower border, flowers overflow, colorful, feel the freehand gift of nature, the mood also becomes distant and comfortable.People have an almost instinctive desire to be close to nature, after dinner and dinner with their families to walk in the garden wonderland, vision, hearing, smell, touch will be fully mobilized by the scenery [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiang Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) phenomenon works! Take off a tired body and breathe in nature to return to the beauty of the heart. Material selection (part)Material selection (a part) Material selection (a part) Construction highlightsConstruction highlights [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiulan Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Phenomenon works! epilogue ConclusionThe flower branches dance gently, graceful and colorful. Every corner is the encounter of art and romance, water dance painting shadow, loaded in the mirror with four flowers and trees, picturesque trees, plants and trees are flowers, [Pudong Lujiazui Jinxiulan Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Surprise phenomenon works! Every tree and flower is a yearning for a better life.The duration is 00:26 Design MessageDesign messageFairyland Bay is developed by Lujiazui Group, with the "Garden school life beauty [Pudong Lujiazui Fairyland Bay] official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) discover phenomenon works! Learning "as the theme, to create a full of romantic artistic atmosphere of the living place. This flower landscape works from the overall project landscape concept scheme stage intervention, to achieve the landscape scheme of "garden life aesthetics" concept. The front of the case combines sculpture and flower border, and the overall value of plant appreciation increases. The backcourt is rich in varieties, and the technique is more new and natural, and the leisure atmosphere is strong. The theme of the front and back fields is clearly distinguished, and the soft flower border materials and the stable and stiff hedge blocks and ball bushes produce texture collision. In the breeze, flowers and grass fly [Pudong Lujiazui Beautiful LAN Bay] Official sales office Tel: 400-960-1817 (developers 24 hours hotline) Phenomenon works! Wipe the soul and bathe people in the relaxed and fragrant atmosphere of nature.【浦东陆家嘴锦绣澜湾】官方售楼处电话:400—960—1817(开发商24小时热线)惊现现象级作品!,拂拭心灵,使人沐浴在大自然的轻松芬芳的氛围中。